/‘real recognize real reflection’
Read More“You start dying slowly if”….
Learn how to alter your reality and change your life, permanently. Now or never!
Read MoreWhat if I told you that you have everything you need? No——Seriously. You are fed, you are clothed, you are housed and you are financially secure.
Read MoreDo you get irritable or flustered quickly, regardless of where you are or what task you’re trying to accomplish? Perhaps there is a legal situation, or a family conflict that is out of your control? Maybe the influence of other peoples’ moods inherently shift your energetic vibration without you even realizing it? Are you finding yourself becoming increasingly more anxious or depressed without any real underetanding as to why?
Getting to the root cause of your ‘bad mood’ is one thing, while suppressing it is another thing entirely. You may not be able to control the external factors but you CAN learn to control your response to them.
Whether you are experiencing the effects of what it means to be an empath, (meaning the “bad” mood might not have anything to do with you because you easily absorb the negativity other people put out) —or you are someone who can’t get out of your own temperamental ways—point being, we’ve all been there and have our own way of labeling and managing our down swings. However, pushing these feelings down or acting as if they are not there will not resolve the bad mood on its own. So, next time, before you reach for the cigarette, glass of wine or sugar fix ask your higher consciousness what it really needs and consider the following:
Drink your favorite cup of tea, breathe. Maybe you trick yourself into a meditative state ;)
Move your body. Go for a walk, step into nature. Dance. When your body moves your mind will follow. Get those endorphins flowing.
Light a candle, burn an incense, take an epsom salt bath, use essential oils. The point here is to reintegrate your senses to restore balance.
Remind yourself that this mood is just your temporary and not your forever. Surrender to it. Without judgment.
Call a friend (preferably one that makes you laugh).
Get yourself near or touching water. Water is detoxifying and cleansing. Drive to the beach, find a small body of water. Go to your happy place. Invoke a sense of calm.
It’s time that those with ADD/ADHD embrace their unique way of thinking and means of operating in today’s modern world by breaking the stigma and gaining insight into self, as a means to employ alternative treatment modalities.
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