What is Reiki? Why Choose it? What Should I Expect to Experience in a Reiki Session?

We ARE Reiki. –Frans Stiene

Reiki quite literally translates to ‘spiritual life force’.

Rei=Spiritual. Ki= life force.

Origin: Japan


In the Japanese understanding of connectedness, humans are always connected in the sense of ‘oneness’. With that, energy is always present and knows no space and time or boundary; humans are experiencing it together collectively. Hence, the “sending” of Reiki to someone is viewed more as sharing a sense of ‘oneness’, that we inherently possess within (West, 2020).


I pause, to draw a parallel to the Nikola Tesla quote that follows, “if you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration”. Energy is all around you. Energy is malleable and fluid. You can manipulate it and harness it in ways that support you in working with the energy versus against it. Reiki is a good example of that, in the sense that it is accessible to everyone and it is therefore, up to you to take accountability for the role in which you decide to interpret it and/or apply it to your life.


For example, if you are resistant to Reiki or skeptical of its’ workings, Reiki will only be as effective as you allow it. As a psychotherapist, by default I use the example of an individual who is resistant to coming to therapy. If one is resistant to treatment, then one can only get so far in the healing process. ‘You are who you’ve been waiting for’ in the sense that you hold the key to both refraining from and/or opening up to energy as a form of healing.


Two types of Reiki sessions are offered:

Distance Reiki Sessions, for people living anywhere in the world and office Reiki Sessions, for individuals that are able to come to my Braintree office.


I scan your energy body using gentle touch of my hands. Alternatively, I can place my hands an inch or two above your body, depending on your personal preference. The head, shoulders, chest, stomach and kidneys are most commonly worked with. My approach to Reiki is unique in the sense that I work alongside the chakra system, working to clear areas of blockage, in efforts to optimize and restore balance and homeostasis to each chakra point. Areas of physical ailment (such as an ear ache or tweaked knee for example) are also areas of focus when indicated.


During the session, as I offer Reiki and scan your body, you may experience an array of sensations: from heat or coolness to a light tingling or buzzing sensation in different areas of your body. The sensations that you experience is natural and signifies that your energy body is both purifying and realigning itself. Deep relaxation as well as a sense of peace may also be experienced by the end of session.


Why Choose A Reiki Session?

  • Expedite the healing process

  • Inner child healing

  • Promotes spiritual growth and exploration

  • Heart opening

  • Reduce stress, calm nerves

  • Support depression and anxiety management

  • Improve relaxation

  • Support feelings of overwhelm

  • Can help alleviate pain and stress

In conclusion, in efforts to honor the power of Reiki, I am offering a FREE 30 minute Virtual Introductory Reiki Session to the first 25 people that email me to schedule.

You can email me at mmeidanis@stillmotionts.com. I invite you to open up your energy body and begin the healing process today! Space is limited so schedule today.


 West, Laura. Divine Lotus Healing. About Reiki. (2020). Retrieved October 23rd 2020. Cambridge, MA. https://divinelotushealing.com/reiki/reiki-sessions/

West, Laura. Divine Lotus Healing. Okuden Manuel. Usui Reiki Ryoho. Cambridge, MA. LW. 2009-2020.